13 Happy Places to Visit in Scotland

We all have a Happy Place. A place that gives us that special feeling. A place that evokes emotion and puts a smile on our face when we think of it. It is no secret that for me that place is Scotland.  Scotland is the place where I feel most alive yet somehow still at peace. You may be asking why? Why does a place that sees so much rain, which tends to depress people, produce such feeling of euphoria and happiness in me?

Maybe it is the smell of fresh mountain air, clean and pure, that fills my lungs with life. Or the view of a peaceful loch that reflects its surroundings and calms my thoughts like a magic mirror. Or maybe it is the rugged coastline with its jagged edges, or the ocean waves that like my spirit are a bit wild. Perhaps its the rain itself which seems to cleanse my soul and wash my tears away. I can’t say exactly what it is, but Scotland brings a smile to my face and fills my heart with joy. Scotland is my Happy Place and if you give it a chance it could be your Happy Place to.

But don’t just take my word for it. Here are 13 Happy Places to visit in Scotland shared with love by those who know it best. (Listed in alphabetical order by contributors last name)

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